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Confession# 6035

Submitted 04/16/14 @ 5:19pm

I'm pretty sure the guy I like is playing me and another girl, and I'm more pissed at the other girl than him.

Confession# 6034

Submitted 04/16/14 @ 11:33pm

All I want is to marry the girl I'm head over heels in love with, but my friends made fun of me for wanting to stop living with them and move in with her.

Confession# 6033

Submitted 04/15/14 @ 12:27pm

I want a romantic guy like those that used to exist in our grandparent's generation. I need chivalry like that.

Confession# 6032

Submitted 04/15/14 @ 9:54pm

It's annoying when you're trying to find a table at Gordon's while people who are sitting aren't eating but reading or just surfing the web.

Confession# 6031

Submitted 04/16/14 @ 1:53am

One of the basketball players showed up to my house party and expected a free cup. If my brother has to pay, everybody has to pay.

Confession# 6030

Submitted 04/16/14 @ 7:56am

The way you dress and act doesn't empower you. The only thing that can empower you is your brain.

Confession# 6029

Submitted 04/14/14 @ 4:26pm

I don't want to graduate. I have way to much fun in college.

Confession# 6028

Submitted 04/14/14 @ 12:21pm

Lets get as many Badgers as we can to Houston for the football kickoff against LSU!

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