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Confession# 5996

Submitted 04/06/14 @ 9:15pm

I really want my boyfriend to sext me since we're long distance but he never gets the hint.

Confession# 5994

Submitted 04/06/14 @ 10:23pm

I cared more about Undertaker losing at Wrestlemania than I did about the Badgers in the Final Four.

Confession# 5992

Submitted 04/03/14 @ 6:51pm

I WILL be prepared to deal with NCAA security at some point on Saturday night.

Confession# 5991

Submitted 04/04/14 @ 1:42am

My best friend sent me a pic of his most recent match on tinder. It was my ex-girlfriend from high school.

Confession# 5990

Submitted 04/04/14 @ 12:01pm

If you truly want to raise awareness for breast cancer shave your head so you really know what it's like.

Confession# 5989

Submitted 03/31/14 @ 9:35pm

Just saw 2 guys on a tandem bike. One was pedaling and the other was playing guitar and singing. You guys made my night!

Confession# 5988

Submitted 03/31/14 @ 3:36pm

I saw a girl running on the bike path today in a white shirt and the wind was blowing it around, and I just watched. I love spring.

Confession# 5987

Submitted 03/31/14 @ 2:56pm

I only know the date because of my birth control pills.

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