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Confession# 3843

Submitted 06/17/13 @ 8:04am

I love this school, but the picture on the waiting page for season tickets makes me wanna punch the shit out of Bucky Badger.

Confession# 3846

Submitted 06/17/13 @ 10:16am

My buddy gave me his computer and information for tickets because he had to go to work. His computer logged in before mine, I thought about using my password to get tickets but instead I remembered I wasn't an asshole and got him tickets.

Confession# 3744

Submitted 06/06/13 @ 1:51pm

I secretly put money in my boyfriend's pocket because he needs it but is too proud to ever ask for help.

Confession# 3838

Submitted 06/16/13 @ 7:47pm

I am an Indian who has come to UW-Madison for a summer program. I visited Chicago this weekend and was surprised at the sharp contrast between Madison and Chicago. Though Chicago is a big city with high towers, it was so unsafe and people were so unfriendly. I missed Madison during my visit. Madison really rocks! It is so safe and people are so lovely. Love you Madison!

Confession# 3655

Submitted 05/25/13 @ 10:11pm

I'm currently tripping on some strange drug I've never heard of before tonight, and I'm still able to text my girlfriend back home coherently.

Confession# 3646

Submitted 05/23/13 @ 3:55pm

Moving to Madison and going to school here has caused me to hate politics.

Confession# 3667

Submitted 05/27/13 @ 3:29pm

I used to be scared to date outside of my race (black) because people have judged me before! But I can't help that I'm only attracted to white guys. They're just better!

Confession# 3650

Submitted 05/24/13 @ 3:20pm

I thought my life had ended as I knew it when the doctor told me that I had contracted HPV a couple of months ago thanks to a bf who didnt think to tell me he had it . This week I told someone for the first time; and when I did he gave me a big hug and told me there was no way he would be able walk away from someone so adorable just because they had one little problem. Whatever you believe in, know that there are great people in this world who will accept you, quirks and all!

Confession# 3644

Submitted 05/24/13 @ 12:12am

I was seeing this person for quite awhile before summer break, I would love to actually ask them to date, but I don't want to ruin anything we already had. Also I don't know what summer will bring.

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