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Confession# 3813

Submitted 06/12/13 @ 9:11pm

I think people who say the Holocaust never happened are the dumbest people walking the earth. They probably have small dicks too.

Confession# 3822

Submitted 06/13/13 @ 9:01am

I'm glad to see that the Wisconsin legislature is passing a bill to nullify all future federal gun laws, and make it illegal for police to enforce them.

Confession# 3820

Submitted 06/12/13 @ 9:20pm

I can't stand most mainstream rap. Rappers like Lupe Fiasco and Immortal Technique talk about real issues such as poverty and war, and they're not super popular because they don't rap about doing drugs and disrespecting women.

Confession# 3829

Submitted 06/13/13 @ 8:38pm

I hate the Varsity song. I am proud to be a Badger but I think that song is pointless.

Confession# 3817

Submitted 06/12/13 @ 10:07pm

I don't care about any sports. I'd rather go to a concert instead.

Confession# 3816

Submitted 06/12/13 @ 10:26pm

The worst decision of my day was to turn off the Chicago/Boston game when it was 3-1 to watch the Real World. Come back to a 3-3 tie? Wtf?!

Confession# 3824

Submitted 06/13/13 @ 2:23pm

When I throw a Halloween party at my new apartment next year, anyone who dresses up and does a good impression of Captain Jack Sparrow at the door will come in for free and the best impression will win a LARGE bottle of the best wine known to the seven seas!

Confession# 3823

Submitted 06/13/13 @ 4:22pm

My cat is my best friend and all my human friends know that they come in second to her. I'm not sorry.

Confession# 3827

Submitted 06/14/13 @ 8:06am

The number of guys who still wear cargo shorts in Madison disgusts me.

Confession# 3825

Submitted 06/13/13 @ 12:07pm

There are concentration camps in North Korea still! Shouldn't we be doing something about that?

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